Hello, My name is David Fann, my mother's name was Esther and she was the daughter of Cora. I was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama. While attending J.O.Johnson High School, I met the future Mrs. David Fann (Linda). We married in 1981, and moved to New Market, Alabama. We have two wonderful children, Bobby, who was born in 1983, and Kelly who was born in 1985. My parents, Tut and Esther Fann, we born and raised in Huntsville as well, living all of their lives in and around Huntsville. The Veterans Home here in Huntsville is named after my father, who spent endless hours to better the lives of veterans all across the state, being voted "Veteran of the Year" in 1985 and elected as State Commander of the American Legion in 1980. I have been very fortunate to have two wonderful, loving parents, whom I love and miss very much.

Here is a list of my favorite web sites...

          Search Engines


          Mother of all search engines


          W3 Search Engines

          Search Engine Guide

          Great Graphics Site

          Fun Stuff

          Dead People Server


          Internet Movie Database

          Music Homepage


          Ya'll Come

          Southern Culture

          Old Huntsville Magazine

          Check this out!

          BAMA SPORTS

          Family Stuff


          Old Jackson County Census

          Cagle's in Civil War

          Tribute to my father

          Sweet Gifts

           The Fragrance Counter

          More fragrances